Say NO to Broad-based Taxes

To the Editor; We were a bit confused when we read Rep. Verville’s (R) suggestion for how a broad-based tax might be implemented for NH....

Op-Ed by NH Representative Len Turcotte

This op-ed appeared in the Union Leader on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Len Turcotte: Accessory Dwelling Unit is a deceptive term for ‘rental unit’ LESS THAN a century ago, an individual who possessed a “cult of personality” rose to power and attempted to...

NKTA Looking for Input

SRSD Strategic Plan Second Draft – Input Wanted The second draft of the SRSD Strategic Plan is now ready for input and review. At this time, we are asking for input from members of our community: parents, families, staff, residents, and business owners in the...

What Would Commuter Rail Cost NH Taxpayers?

AFP-NH has enumerated and confirmed the costs we have been yapping about for two years now. Hold on to your hats, AND your wallets. Tax impact of proposed rail: The proposed system will cost Granite State taxpayers $11 million or more in annual operation and...

Calling All Taxpayers to Education Forum February 22 received the following invitation from The Commission to Study School Funding to join them on February 22nd from 4:30 to 6:00 PM for a briefing and discussion about the Commission’s main findings and recommendations – and next steps, including efforts toward...