Antrim Warrant Article

March 2, 2010 by Ed Naile CNHT will be trying something new this evening. We are holding a public, or as we are calling it, a civic meeting, in Antrim regarding our efforts to put a warrant article on the Antrim Town Meeting warrant. CNHT went out and rounded up...

Grant vs Barrington Used in Hampstead

When a NH Supreme Court Judge decided in Grant vs. Barrington that voters could amend warrant articles from their original intent down to the mere words “To see…” his ruling provided that stripping these citizen-petitioned articles of any and all...

Barrington Town and School Meetings

The front page of the Barrington Taxpayers January 2010 Newsletter (see Newsletters Tab) features BTA’s recommended candidates for Selectman. There are three seats up for grabs. The back page has the warrant articles petitioned by the BTA to be placed on the ballot in...

Bedford’s Bloated School Budget

A few years back, Bedford NH built its own high school and then promptly turned control of the curriculum over to the United Nations, at a cost. In addition to the objectionable nature of that situation, the cost of the whole system is nearly $67M and while it employs...

Warrant Article Signatures (HB 1142)

UPDATE: This bill will be up for more discussion by this Committee on January 26, 2010 at 11:30 AM in LOB Room 301. Call or write the Committee to ask them to KILL THIS BILL. On January 6, 2010, the House Municipal and County Government Committee was to begin hearing...

Why HB 1142 is Bad for Towns

Last year most conservation land purchases were voted down, and that’s a good thing. Most of these purchases were going to allow the land to be handed directly over to private entities… after being paid for with taxpayer dollars. In Raymond, the ConComm...