Whose Side Are You On? (HB 1142)

by Steve MacDonald One of the symptoms of a legislator who has lost touch with their role in government is when they sponsor or vote for legislation that dilutes voter power or their ability influence the process. HB 1142 deigns to do exactly that. Peter Bergin and...

Bedford School Meeting Schedule

A few years back, Bedford NH built its own high school and then promptly turned control of the curriculum over to the United Nations, at a cost. In addition to the objectionable nature of that situation, the cost of the whole system is nearly $67M and while it employs...

Granite State Fair Tax Coalition is Neither Local nor About Fairness

Updated for 2009 It’s that time again. People all over NH will be getting ready for town meetings. The town meeting is the esteemed NH institution where residents can exercise control of how their property tax dollars are spent for both town and school, by means...

It’s Official – SB2 No Different Than Town Meeting

Atty David Connell from the Local Government Center (former NH Municipal Association) was at the a forum recently held in Meredith, NH on 3/3/2009. The paragraph below is an excerpt of the article printed in the Laconia Daily Sun on 3/4/2009, page 8, about the...

Atkinson Warrant Articles Target Consentino

Could lose job leading Atkinson police force ATKINSON — Police Chief Philip Consentino could be out of a job in March — if voters approve a warrant article that would significantly change the position. And that’s not all. In addition to heading the Police...

Taxpayer Revolt: Petition Seeks Massive Budget Cuts

Proposal draws fire from Claremont city officials CLAREMONT — Cynthia Coolidge Howard, along with 300 other Claremont residents, have petitioned city council and the mayor asking for deep cuts in the city budget and more citizen involvement in the process. At...