This information is courtesy of Rep. Bill O’Brien (R) Mont Vernon, co-chair of the NH House Republican Alliance, who compiled the file Tax Increases for 2009

The court will be posting all new and increased fees on its website tomorrow. Generally here is what to expect:

1. All court fees across the board will go up 20%. For example, the current superior court entry fee is $175.00 ($150 basic, plus $25 surcharge). That will go to $205. (20% increase on the basic fee; the surcharge is set by a separate statute)

2. There will now be a fee for counterclaims. In other words, if someone sues you and you have a claim against them that you want to make part of the case, you have to pay an entry fee to bring it in. The fee will be the same as if you brought the case.

3. The record research fee is going up from $10 a request for up to ten names or $25 for researches of more than ten names. The new fee will be $20 a request for up to five names and $5 a name thereafter.