by Bob Kingsbury

According to the data collected about ‘ice outs’ from the year 1888 to 2009 on Lake Winnipesaukee, global warming does not exist, at least here in NH.

Essentially all the 122 ice out dates are in April, with a few in March and a few in May.
The facts show, there is no Global Warming trend of colder to warmer, or any other trend.

When averaged, the ice out dates are:
– April 16 for the first 61 years from 1888 to 1948.
– April 19 is for the years from 1949 to 2009 showing the trend is to be slightly cooler.

Therefore, there is no Global Warming, not as far as the “big lake” is concerned.

This data has a second advantage, in that is it local. It is not in some far off and unavailable area like some ice flow in the Arctic.

Bob Kingsbury (R.I.P) is a resident of Laconia who served in General Patton’s Army. Around here he is a ‘Wall of Famer’.