by Ed Naile

Public Interest Legal Foundation Moves In On 100,000 Non-citizen Registered Voters In Pennsylvania

J. Christian Adams and PILF have been successful in suing several states for public information each state is required to keep – that would be the Green Card holders who have driver’s licenses and the statewide voter database. Pa. has at least 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote through the Federal Motor Voter law. New Hampshire is required to keep these records as well.

We can prove NH has, as a minimum, 6,500 illegal same-day voters – without checking the Green Card holders who are registered to vote. The 6,500 figure comes from the recent check of same-day voters from just one day, November 8, 2016. Speaker Jasper had Secretary of State Gardner and the Dept of Safety match their records to document the 6,500. All that needs to be done is simply match Green Card holders with the secret, taxpayer funded NH Statewide Voter Database. Don’t count on that happening without a lawsuit by an organization like the Public Interest Legal Foundation or US Attorney involvement.

New Hampshire election officials, the NH AG’s Office-Elections Division, and the NH Secretary of State – working with a friendly State Supreme Court, walk a fine line of protecting non-citizen voters who help Democrats take all the elections for Federal office, and at the same time, keeping NH’s corrupt Presidential Primary in this state.

If they get sued, everything would change. The chance a Federal Court would approve of a state letting non-citizens vote is slim.

Remember, it only takes a few non-citizens to cast hundreds of votes. In Pennsylvania, two cities determine the outcome of state elections. If the PILF suit can clean up Philadelphia and Pittsburg alone, things could turn around and people not normally inclined to vote in rigged elections might start showing up.

NH election officials should pay close attention to the suit in Pennsylvania. If they have nothing to hide, a simple cross-check of our Dept of Safety and the NH voter database might be a good thing to make public – like the Dept of Safety/same day voter names cross-check.

What are the chances of that?