We have been following the case of the Springhill Farm which is run currently by tenant and relative of the trust owner Jay Sweet, and his family.

The Sweets filed a discrimination complaint with the NH Commission for Human Rights over the fact that the town has tried to evict them with no good reason given. Most of the townspeople have rallied to the cause, and are proposing a warrant article that will allow the taxpayers to vote on whether the Sweets should be allowed to continue their job of caretaking the farm, a job which townspeople agree is being well done. Although the warrant article was filed properly, the BOS does not want to honor the request of the 120 registered voters to hold a vote. The NH Attorney General’s office is supposedly looking into it.

There will be a hearing on the eviction in Derry at the courthouse on December 6th at 8:00 AM.

Here is the town’s response, filed by the town’s attorney, over the eviction order.

Chester Response to Human Rights Complaint 11-15-17