House to Vote on HB 135 March 20

Please call or write your State Reps (if you have not already done so) to urge them to OPPOSE HB 135. HB 135 is a bill that eliminates the 2011 provision allowing a person to use deadly force anywhere he or she has a right to be, (negatively) amends the definition of...

MVSD’s IB Program Lacks Transparency

Voters in the Merrimack Valley asked for more transparency for the school district’s “IB” program which has been imposed upon all schools. Resident Bill Murphy introduced a nonbinding resolution requesting the school board print all sources of...

Meredith Elections Letter to the Editor

Don’t elect people who are for Sustainable Communities Initiative by Rosemary Landry, Meredith I was at a selectman meeting in Meredith on January 28. During the open comments part of the meeting, five citizens expressed their concerns about the Granite State...

Regional Planning Meeting Becomes Contentious

It would be hard to categorize this subject since the Regional Planning Commissions are not elected by the public. Where do they fall with respect to public input? How Do You Crash an Open House? Just Ask the NHTPC

Claremont Voters Have Choice

Claremont New Hampshire Voters Have Choice On Tuesday, March 12 Claremont taxpayers have a choice to curb the upward spiral on local education property taxes by voting for their local school district tax cap Warrant Article 11. The spending cap is a result of NH RSA...

Increased Transportation Fees (HB 617)

This week, the NH Public Works and Highways committee voted “Ought to Pass” on HB 617, which deals with “Increasing the rate of the road toll, increasing the vehicle registration fee, and establishing the New Hampshire state and municipal road and...