According to NH State Representative L. Mike Kappler of Kingston:

“SB-503, relative to unique pupil identification. In 2004, legislation created a firewall between the data warehouse (non-personally identifying information) and the random number generator (personally identifying information) because of privacy issues and the belief in local control of education. This bill is a step toward centralization of data outside the local districts, encouraged by federal money, for undoubtedly federal agendas. It expands the Unique Pupil Identifier (UPI) database to include public and publicly-funded early childhood and post-secondary schools, putting sensitive personal information at risk simply in order to chase federal money. The bill is anti-liberty, choosing federal funds and information, above liberty and privacy. Ironically, a few years ago, New Hampshire was the only state to say No to the federal REAL-ID database program, for privacy reasons, and now this bill does a 180 reversal, just to get the federal money. Committee amendment 1824h, passed on voice vote. Republican amendment 2028h, failed on a division vote 127-157. Bill passed on a roll call vote 209-82.”

In addition to other bills Kappler wrote about, here is his analysis of SB 455 which would have nullified Obamacare as many other states are doing:

“SB-455, relative to New Hampshire HealthFirst. The Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee amendment 1808h, eviscerates the Senate bill, in favor of Democrat lead language, implementing Obamacare in NH. After losing the debate, roll call 178-120 to kill committee amendment 1808h, the Republican amendment 1982h, to nullify Obamacare in NH, was killed on roll call vote 121-182. Republicans understand the continuing truth of the admonition attributed to Benjamin Franklin that, “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security, will deserve neither and lose both.” I could not support, and voted against, this National Health Care Legislation. The Obamacare in NH bill passed OTP-A on roll call party line vote 182-121. Didn’t the Democrats hear the people speaking against this plan? I hope the Senate will kill this flawed bill, when asked to concur.”

Read Kappler’s summary here: My Opinion – June 10, 2010