New Current Use Assessments OK’d by Board

Follow-up to January 29, 2010 article. “Another hearing was held Jan. 22. If the proposed rates are approved, they will then be sent to the state for administrative review and could go into affect in April.” Assessment updates to New Hampshire’s current...

Tax Bill Shoots from $1,987 to $37,651

The New Hampshire Supreme Court has upheld the town of Wolfeboro’s right to reassess a house site — a move that boosted the annual tax bill for a lakefront estate from $1,987 to $37,651. The LLK Trust, Thomas R. Walker trustee, appealed a ruling issued in...

Noise Emissions and Helmet Bill (HB 1261 and HB 1162)

Update: The House Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on HB 1261 held a hearing on this bill which was then pulled from the consent calendar and put to the House floor for a vote. The vote was 267 to 28 in opposition of the bill. HB 1162 – The...

The LLC Tax: Blatant Partisan Trickery

In an attempt to clarify these misleading mailers from Jeff Goley sent out under the name of the NHDP/Raymond Buckley, the Union Leader apparently did a little digging and came up with the opinion that “…the state Democratic Party is misleading the voters...