On June 24th a non-partisan group of concerned citizens rallied outside the statehouse to express their dismay for the lack of fiscal restraint in the NH budget as contained in bills HB1 and HB2.

Speakers were interrupted only briefly by three hecklers in chicken suits who carried signs demanding that Republicans ‘name their cuts’, even as Rep. Dan Itse was at the bullhorn discussing them.

When Rep. Itse tried to present the list to the ‘chickens’, they refused to accept them. But we’re not surprised at all.

Chicken suits were appropriate for these cowards who not only repeated something symbolic of what the Majority has been doing all along — refusing Minority’s input — but they also refused to reveal their faces or say what group they represented (although one admitted he knew Democrat Party Chair, Ray Buckley).

And so, this proved to be another Buckley-esque failed attempt at a smokescreen to blame Republicans for what the Democrats, and Democrats alone, are repsonsible for; more spending and higher taxes.

Indeed, as is typical, the chickens were later seeing getting into cars that bore Massachusetts plates.