September 24, 2008

Mary Jane Wallner, shame on you!

You were the primary sponsor of HB1653, a bill so urgent that you voted to suspend all rules and pass it, without any public hearing whatsoever.

The bill itself doles out money for fuel assistance. While helping the unfortunate is a worthy goal, that is the proper role of charity – not of government.

The New Hampshire Constitution, Part I, Article 10 is known as the “Right of Revolution”. It describes the conditions when the people “ought to reform the old, or establish a new government.” And when is that? Why, it is when the government acts “for the private interest … of any one man, family, or class of men.”

You could have acted honorably and led by example, by putting up your own money, and asking others to do the same. Had you done so, I for one would have joined you. Instead, you voted to dole largess out to one class, at the expense of another, thereby abusing the power of government and violating your oath of office.

Denis Goddard