First, Dr. Pam Brown won with a nice margin of 56.4% of the vote. She wants to thank everyone of you for your support!

The composition of the School Board and the School Budget Committee remains unchanged for the coming year. Annie Collyer and Sandi Rogers-Osterloh were re-elected to the Budget Committee, and Larry Heath to the School Board.

The warrant article on Ice Hockey failed to pass. There was a 3-vote pro margin in Kingston and defeat in Newton. Many parents are upset with the results.

Some blame NKTA, saying the School Board and Budget Committee lack of support was the cause, and NKTA dominates both. (NKTA actually does not have a majority on the School Board, and it was not a request made by the Administration.)

There is a Go Fund-Me to help hockey voluntarily in the District, for those who want to lend their support privately. Several NKTA members have donated to it.

Newton and Kingston returns are or will be on the town websites.

Thanks for voting and for your continued support. None of this could be accomplished without you. The work can now continue to bring improvements in student outcomes to the schools and to slow the growth rate in our taxes.