by Ed Naile

Pembroke has a budget shortfall of $977,000.00. It is making the news. People find it hard to understand – especially Pembroke taxpayers.

Here is a very simple glimpse into what may be the problem.

Pembroke has a Budget Committee. Here are the most recent Pembroke Bud Com Minutes: Minutes Pembroke Budget Committee 11-2-2017

Rumor has it dropping enrollment at Pembroke Academy is a possible cause of the shortfall. Here goes:

Call to Order: 6:30pm Minutes: Motion to except the minutes from 10/5/2017 made by Gerry Fleury. Motion seconded by Mike Connor. Motion passed 9‐0‐2 (abstained‐Tina Courtemanche and Karen Yeaton)

(Edited to relevant paragraphs)

“Amber Wheeler Business Administrator for the SAU was present to discuss the how the revenue shortfall came about. Ms. Wheeler explained that a majority of the shortfall was derived from the revenue from state funding and a decrease in enrollment from sending schools to Pembroke Academy.”

(If shortfall could be describes as “humorous” here is the punch line for this joke)

“Gerry Fleury requested to know if the operations at Pembroke Academy were of a fixed cost and as a per student basis. At what point does this get changed and increase tuition? Gerry Fleury then stated he did not expect an immediate answer however he would be looking for this as the budget process progressed. Mr. Fleury then asked if the Revenue versus Services provided to the students were being reported the School Board Monthly? And in addition are the expenditures decreasing as there are less students? There was not answer given to these questions.

Brian Seaworth asked if the shortfall is only for those students in sending towns. Is the enrollment for Pembroke decreasing as well? Ms. Wheeler stated she did not have the answer as she did not bring the enrollmentspreadsheets.”

Badda Boom!