by Ed Naile

CNHT has been racking and documenting voter fraud since 2000. This case is a prime example of how voter fraud is accepted and ignored by the parties you would normally expect to prosecute and expose it.

Carl Robert Gibson is one of many outside activists who come to NH every election cycle. At least 1200 from Massachusetts alone came this past Presidential Primary. You can check the websites of Democrat groups in several New England states and see for yourself how they carpool here and meet up with NH campaigners.

Gibson had a car with two year expired Connecticut plates and a Kentucky drivers license that just expired in June of this year when he was arrested for posing, with a faked press release, as a Republican candidate in a special election. It was a blatant effort to use a fake statement that the candidate was dropping out of the race days before the vote.

This political “prankster” was registered and voting in other states since 2012 when he came here to work against Congressman Frank Guinta – paid by CREDO PAC, a left wing PAC out of California. He registered as a Republican.

As you can see by the court documents posted below, NH took no action to investigate Gibson for using email in an attempt to sabotage an election. His computer was not confiscated, no witnesses were interviewed, no statements taken. The NH AG relied on a Concord Monitor reporter’s story as its sole evidence. The Monitor reporter documents how he caught Gibson and has no sources to hide but was granted a Motion to Quash by Judge McNamara so he does not have to testify. End of case – EXCEPT! Judge McNamara has also decided that two statutes also involved with this case are “overly broad” which they are not, thereby leaving the door open for the AG to drop the case.

What these friends of Gibson are doing is a very tight little ballet that has to work perfectly or else Gibson goes before a jury. If a jury gets the evidence who knows what would happen.

There you have it but for one other fact: I have submitted a 17 page Amicus Brief in this case which the AG has opposed in writing but the judge has not ruled on. I document how Gibson has done things like this in other states and his long arrest record and interstate voting record.

Let’s see if Judge McNamara keeps ignoring my brief – which is now public record.

If anyone had any doubts about which side the Monitor is on when it comes to proven voter fraud, here it is.

Order on Gibson Case [PDF]