The, let me correct myself, OUR children in middle school in Bedford were assigned a survey to complete. Of course Bedford being a liberal, enlightened public school the survey asked about minors and their ideas about sex. You knew it would, right?

Bedford parents say surveys given to students breached trust

“The survey, which has caused controversy and angered several parents, was intended to seek responses about high-risk behavior so the district could analyze trends, said Superintendent-elect Chip McGee at the board’s April 21 meeting.

McGee addressed several questions he has received from parents about the survey, including whether identification numbers where used, how false responses are taken into account, reasons for asking about sexual activity and gender identifications, federal laws protecting students’ rights and privacy, whether questions would encourage risky behavior, and what are the district’s next steps.”


“Jonathan Zdziarski said he is displeased because the district made his child uncomfortable by being asked sexuality questions, providing misleading letters to parents, and he asked the board to take disciplinary action against any administrator involved.”

One question about this “survey” would be this. Who was it really for?

Want to guess it was for a data mining company or some non-profit paid to survey OUR children. (“OUR children” is how public monopoly school children are perceived by those who are part of the system, not the children of the parents forced to send them to the monopoly school. This is why there are surveys like this.)

As a way to counter the never ending attempt to survey minors or any monopoly school children about sex or private family matters – I offer this:

The Bedford School District Teacher, Superintendent, Teachers Aid Questionnaire.

1. How much do you weigh?

2. Are you married, divorced, single, co-habitating, or seeing a person other than your spouse?

3. How often do you view pornography?

4. How many times a month do you have sex?

5. How many times a month do you have sex with someone other than your spouse? (Answer if you responded to seeing a person other than your spouse on question #3.)

6. Do you mix recreational drugs with sex?

7. Are you interested in having sex with OUR children in the Bedford School System?

8. If the answer is yes, please state at what ages.

This survey is strictly confidential. You have no reason to fear it being printed in a local paper or sold to a data mining company from out of state.

Thank you for your mandatory participation and please leave the survey on the desk at the Superintendent’s Office.

Respondents will be notified of their “score”.

That should about do it.