The Manchester paper has done its best to campaign for the old guard in Bedford on its front page with an article by Susan Clark.

The headline is: Free Staters make mark in Bedford.

And then it goes on to selectively isolate the two Free State members who are running for local office as though they are not really taxpaying residents of Bedford.

The Bedford Bullies must be scared to death they could lose power.

Funny, I don’t ever remember a headline in the Manchester paper that screamed: Tax And Spenders Make Mark On Bedford.

Many of the long time power elites in Bedford are tax and spenders, Bill Greiner, Paul Brock, and MIke Scanlon would be some of stars of that article.

Remember back when Mr. Brock was on the Bedford School Board and the pro-new school flier that circulated said the $67 million dollar school, sold as a $50 million dollar school, would only cost “three dimes” on your tax rate?

I do.

Remember when Mike Scanlon tried, as a State Rep., to flip one word in a statute about water commissions to give it the opposite meaning so a five person water commission, for instance, could, with a simple majority vote, bond millions of dollars and seize people’s private water sources for public use.

I do.

And then we have former New Yorker, Jim Scanlon, a longtime thorn in Bedford’s side – inside. He is never without some sort of position in town.

With all his knowledge of town affairs it seems he doesn’t know to avoid losing his temper at an election?–ag-investigation-opened-into-actions-of-councilor97129ab57f


As usual, the NH AG sees nothing wrong with Bedford Bullies, just as when they found an illegal polling place set up at the town landfill, “highly irregular but not illegal.”

But facts are facts and Scanlon lost his temper at an election. That is inexcusable. He had no business interfering with the job of the Moderator, Ryk Bullock.

But then bad blood between Mr. Bullock and Scanlon may be part of this temper tantrum:

This is how nasty politics are in Bedford and have been for ages.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Manchester paper didn’t jump on board with this phony article about “outsiders” coming to Bedford?

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Manchester paper and the local weeklies supported a fresh approach in this town? They all have been enablers for so long.

The Manchester paper and the weeklies got their much desired new Bedford school during a snowstorm when the surrounding towns cancelled their meetings. Why don’t they let a few new faces alone to run decent campaigns?

I suggest voters in Bedford turn the bullies out to pasture in the next few elections and let some new taxpaying citizens have chance.

Aaron Day and Matt Philips would be a wonderful start.