Tomorrow, April 16, 2013, SB 152, the infamous casino bill will come before the House Finance committee at 10:00 AM in Representatives Hall at the State House in Concord. This bill seeks to establish one high-end casino here in New Hampshire. We need your help in keeping the Granite State casino free.

If you are able, please attend the hearing tomorrow. Your presence at the committee hearing will be helpful in showing our legislators that New Hampshire wants to stay casino free.

The Coalition of NH Taxpayers has always been opposed to casinos and expanded gambling for New Hampshire.

Studies of casino gambling consistently demonstrate they are not a reliable source of revenue.

As a taxpayer organization, we’re not in favor of a roller coaster ride when it comes to the state budget.

If you are unable to attend the hearing but would like to help join our effort, be sure to contact your Representatives and ask them to vote NO on SB 152.

Please read CNHT’s Press Release on SB 152