EPA will be holding four informal public meetings on the NH Draft Small MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) Permit prior to the Public Hearing. Newton Tedder, EPA, will present the draft permit followed by Q & A. The dates, times and locations of all scheduled public meetings are below.

1) Tuesday, February 26, 1:00 to 2:30 pm. Town of Bedford Community Television Building, 10 Meetinghouse Road, Bedford, NH Contact: Robert Robinson, City of Manchester, to register that you will be attending rrobinson@manchesternh.gov or 603-665-6899 Directions: http://www.bedfordnh.org/Pages/BedfordNH_BCTV/dir

2) Thursday, February 28, 1:00 to 2:30 pm. Dover McConnell Center, Room 306, 61 Locust Street, Dover. The McConnell Center is located next to the Dover Library and across the street from Dover City Hall. There is a large parking lot behind the library. Contact: Barbara McMillan, NH DES, to register that you will be attending. barbara.mcmillan@des.nh.gov or 603-271-7889

3) Tuesday, March 5th, 9:00 – 10:30 am. Nashua Regional Planning Commission Office, 9 Executive Park Drive, Suite 201, Merrimack, NH. Contact Barbara McMillan to register. barbara.mcmillan@des.nh.gov or 603-271-7889 Directions: http://www.nashuarpc.org/aboutnrpc/directions.htm

4) Thursday, March 7th, 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Exeter Town Hall, 9 Front Street, Exeter, NH This is the “Old” Town Hall across the street from the Town Offices. Designed especially for New NH Small MS4 municipalities and the public, this presentation will include the background of the NH MS4 permits and permit requirements for NH municipalities new to this permit process. Contact Barbara McMillan, NH DES to register that you will be attending. barbara.mcmillan@des.nh.gov or 603-271-7889