by Ed Naile

Welcome to New Hampshire.

Progressive Democrats would like you to vote for them as you pass through, so stop by any Town Hall and get a registration card. And remember, regular blue collar, working Democrats are not ashamed of this. They never say anything at all about their party stealing elections or elected offices.

I think they instinctively know they couldn’t win without “outside help.”

Let us take a trip down memory lane.

Back in 2004, liberal Democrats in Keene were scrounging up young out of state people to get them to the polls, like they always do.

One very energetic young lady decided to run for the NH House of Representatives. Her name then was Stephanie C. Sinclair.

Even though Stephanie was a Massachusetts resident she handily won her seat in the NH legislature, a proud protégé of Rep. Charles Weed.

Both of the liberal Keene Democrats wound up on the Election Law Committee, where else, and started mouthing off at hearings about how there was no voter fraud in NH.

And you may know the rest.

Rep. Sinclair wanted to show me who was boss at a hearing and I subtly suggested she might want to look at her drivers license and see if it said – New Hampshire on it.

Stephanie resigned from the House and the press ignored the story, unlike us here at

So where is this former Massachusetts NH State Rep. now?

God Bless social networking.

Here she is:! Find Everyone. All in One Place.
Stephanie Sinclair is on MyLife
Stephanie Sinclair, 30
Quincy, MA

URL: My Life – Stephanie Sinclair

Places Lived:

Quincy, MA
Cambridge, MA

About Stephanie Sinclair:

Stephanie C Sinclair was born in 1982. Stephanie currently lives in Quincy, Massachusetts. Before that, Stephanie lived in Cambridge, MA from 2006 to 2007. Before that, Stephanie lived in New York, NY from 2006 to 2010.

Stephanie C Sinclair is related to Michael Pazos, who is 31 years old and lives in Quincy, MA. Stephanie C Sinclair is also related to Scott Sinclair, who is 35 years old and lives in Hanscom Afb, MA.

Stephanie Sinclair can be researched and contacted easily with your FREE MyLife account. As a member you can contact Stephanie Sinclair directly, and find out who has been researching your personal info on the web. Registered users can see what Stephanie Sinclair is up to. If you sign up today you also get free access to our personal relationship manager where you can manage all your emails and facebook messages in one place!

A quick search could mean a lifetime of friendship with the aid of, your best option when searching for someone. With access to hundreds of millions of profiles you can easily find Stephanie Sinclair from Quincy, MA thanks to, the ultimate people finder tool! Enjoy the best moments life. Find people from Quincy, MA, and take control of your all your personal online connections. Sign up now and you can also get in touch with singles in your area.

Join Now & View the Full Stephanie Sinclair Profile

Stephanie’s Friends & Relatives

• Michael Pazos Quincy, MA
• Scott Sinclair Hanscom Afb, MA

Anyone notice how Stephanie didn’t mention living in New Hampshire, not at all?

Stephanie is married now and living in Quincy Ma., on Faxon Ave. She is back in Mass – where she came from in the first place. All is well – almost.

The moral of the story:

Don’t let shady Keene State college professors, elected officials who are just a shade left of most Marxists, or any other person of low moral character, talk you into stealing a vote or elected office in our State. Some us have long memories.


More voter fraud info coming from 2013, a banner year! You are going to like it!