An important ANTI-SELF DEFENSE BILL needs your attention on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 1:30 PM in the LOB room 204.

The Democrats are trying to reverse the last sessions’ firearms civil rights gains.

Please contact your State Representatives and ask them to oppose HB 135, a bad bill to reverse some of the gains in pro-self-defense legislation from last year’s session. Please call, write, or attend the hearing on HB 135 on Tuesday, January 22 at 1:30 PM in LOB 204. The Anti-Firearms, Anti-Self-Defense elites are in charge in the NH House again, and they are (predictably) determined to undo and reverse any protection for your firearms civil rights and self defense rights.

Here is the full text of the bill. HB 135

The bill in question eliminates the provision allowing a person to use deadly force anywhere he or she has a right to be, (negatively) amends the definition of non-deadly force, and repeals the provision granting civil immunity for the use of force in certain circumstances. In other words, it tries to return us to the Massachusetts-style “RUN AWAY!!” anti-self defense strategy, leading to more lawful citizens getting “Ward Bird”ed in the future: Ward Bird is no longer in prison, but he will NEVER get his firearms back.

Make no mistake about it: This is just the opening salvo in what promises to be a long and contentious session of the NH Legislature, where Anti-Firearms, Anti-Self-Defense elites will seek to ban everything they can, repeal any protection for firearms owners, and impose the most onerous penalties they can for simply exercising your 2nd Amendment, firearms civil rights.

Please ask your reps to oppose HB 135 and find it Inexpedient To Legislate. (ITL) Please also call the members of the committee and ask them to oppose this rollback of your self-defense civil rights.

Here is how to contact your state reps: House Members

Another second amendment rally will be held at the statehouse on January 31 from noon-2:00 PM.