by Ed Naile

And the Governor is still claiming it does not exist…

In typical liberal double-speak, Little Green Footballs website, as well some people quoted in the Union Leader – Polls video slammed as a ‘fraud’ are trying to claim that James O’Keefe, investigative journalist extraordinaire, committed voter fraud in order to prove voter fraud. He simply showed how it is done, some of the time.

Nashua City Clerk Paul Bergeron, Lying About Voter Fraud in NH on Al Sharpton’s Show

But CNHT has MANY other cases of fraud of ALL kinds, documented.

Andrew Breitbart has now picked up on the video O’Keefe created that clearly shows how easily someone could have used this writer’s name to vote multiple times (and did). It also validates what CNHT has been doing for years; hundreds of examples of fraud, all chronicled in our Voter Fraud section and other records we have kept and submitted to then AG Kelly Ayotte, SOS Bill Gardner, and then Asst Secretary of State Bud Fitch..

Multiple examples of fraud: (much more than just the teen who was caught using his father’s name)

Person caught voting twice (rare case of fraud prosecuted)
Students voting twice (1700 of them — common)
Town official sets up illegal voter booth at dump (statutes clearly prohibit this)
Out-of-stater steals signs then votes (Wetrosky is a Democratic operative who stayed with then NH Democratic Party Chair while perpetrating this)
Voters from fictitious address (There is NO 159 Bear Brook Road, it’s a state forest!)

This is but a FRACTION of evidence of voter fraud in NH that CNHT has gathered in the last 10 years and submitted to the AG’s office, to no avail.

Related: O’Keefe fights back at critics and out of staters will try to petition for voter fraud.

“O’Keefe and his group Project Veritas most recently made news in January by producing a video during the New Hampshire primary showing how easy it is for someone to commit voter fraud.

“Absolutely,” O’Keefe said, when asked if observers can expect more videos soon from his organization.

He had tough words for the liberal activists who claim he and his operatives broke the law with their New Hampshire video by successfully obtaining ballots in the name of dead voters in the state because there is no voter identification law.”