Where do former NH Education Commissioners go when they cease being NH Education Commissioners? Why, straight to DC and in the company of the famous Marc Tucker of course.

If parents don’t keep an eye on Governor Lynch and the NGA, and Lyonel Tracy, Marc Tucker and their ‘cradle-to-grave’ educational schemes with the New Skills Commission local school boards will be a thing of the past.

You’ll still pay the money but the directives will come from the top.

Worse yet, most parents have absolutely no idea of the effort to transform, or what activities are going on in their schools, to support the transformation.

“Look what is happening in our public schools while we are busying ourselves with the stuff of our daily lives. These people should be kept far way from our young.

“Over 150 youth and student activists gathered at Norman Thomas High School in New York City from March 5-7, 2010. YDS activists and progressive youth converged to discuss how to amplify left-wing pressure on the establishment. These young radicals came from Texas, Indiana to Kansas, Florida, Rhode Island, Oregon and more.” Young Democratic Socialists

Corrupt, criminal ACORN official Bertha Lewis spoke with radical Dr. Cornell West at a public high school, Norman Thomas High. “Young Democratic Socialists: Real Change for a Change.” Why are they allowed to use public school property to have a socialist convention? This is seditious infiltration — they should meet in secret, in caves where they belong.”

CNHT often follows various state, town, and school officials as they go from job to job and agency to agency to watch them in the process of ‘transforming’ and ‘restructuring’ our schools and country.