Taxpayer Group Letter to the Candidates

Dear Candidates for NH Senate and House: We’ll get to the bottom line right away but hope candidates and current legislators will read this in full to get yourselves up to speed. The bottom line: the issue of zoning being taken over by the Feds via AFFH (refers...

Save the NH Advantage

Will the House and Senate listen? Bad enough voters must keep an eye on their local government, they now must also keep an eye on the state, which seems to have spun out of control. It’s hard to know when these bills are coming up for full vote, HB 1629 and HB...

The Governor’s Plan: Housing Bills

PLEASE TAKE ACTION ON THESE BILLS REGARDING HOUSING AND MUNICIPAL ISSUES BEFORE THEIR HEARING DATES Even if a bill has already had its hearing, you can still send your testimony by email because a decision whether to recommend the bill is not made immediately. On...

There are Bills, Then There are “Stealth” Bills

Some of our local taxpayer groups have been keeping track of bills that would affect local government, and in particular, the taxes and property rights of the owners of single family homes. A compilation of what they recommend to be vetoed as well as bills hidden...

HB 104 Would Overrule Local Zoning Laws

HB 104 would establish an ‘ad hoc’ board or commission at the state level for the purpose of allowing developers to appeal local zoning decisions without going to court. This would set a bad precedent in that it would take away the right of the people of a...

Housing Shortages for Seniors

Housing shortages for the elderly tug at the heartstrings of most people. News outlets write about the problem all the time. Getting creative to solve New Hampshire’s senior housing crisis “There’s a well-documented crisis in affordable housing in New...