Media Advisory for Town of Merrimack

Bob Bevill 12 Blair Road Merrimack, NH 03054 Voice: 603-913-1170 Internet E-mail: MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate Release NO GRADING OF HOMEWORK ON TRIAL AT STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION No grading of homework in the Merrimack School District is on trial...

State Education Law in NH: There Isn’t Any!

by Ed Naile “New Hampshire “Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through a community, being essential to the preservation of a free government; and spreading the opportunities and advantages of education through the various parts of the country, being...

Kids Get Test Results for 2017 at Sanborn

The Sanborn Regional School Board met on Wednesday, January 4, 2017. A big part of the night was a presentation on test scores for FY 16-17, from Curriculum Director Michael Turmelle. Mr. Turmelle showed and discussed accountability charts which reveal very...

2018 Can Be a Great Year For the Sanborn District

As you know 70-85% of your property taxes are driven by the School District Budget. Right now, we have 3 NKTA members on the School Board, and 7 out of 8 on the Budget Committee. This is the time of year when NKTA most needs your help. 2018 can be a great year for the...

Legislation Proposes State Takeover of Education (HB 1497)

HB 1497 is legislation proposes the STATE take over your local public school. BI-PARTISAN SPONSORS: Rep. Ladd, Graf. 4; Rep. Myler, Merr. 10 This is a “takeover” document. If the state does not like a school district’s plan for improving poor test...