If you think town meetings are not important, wait until you see your next tax bill.

Here is what the enemies were up to on March 10: 56 towns passed a warrant item asking federal and state reps to support destroying your first amendment rights by overturning CItizens United at an Article V Convention. It’s pretty pathetic that in some towns, out of 13,000 voters, only 2,000 or 3,000 showed up.

Find out if your town was one of the 56 that had this Rubens/Cenk Uygur/WolfPAC progressive resolution on the ballot! http://eepurl.com/bgFQ71

Concerned Taxpayers of Bow is a great group that is keeping up with local issues all year round and getting out the word about town and school meeting shenanigans. Even with this kind of vigilance, they explain perfectly why your attention for these few nights is needed and what happens when you’re NOT paying attention.
