Rindge Defeats HUD

Rindge Voters Defeat Controversial Zoning Amendments RINDGE — Voters soundly defeated three controversial zoning amendments at the polls Tuesday. Article 2 was perhaps the most divisive on the warrant. It would have established an optional crossroads overlay district...

Atkinson Pervert Elected Selectman!! Congrats, Atkinson Seniors

The Lawrence Eagle Tribune gets their favorite police chief, Phil Consentino, back as a selectman! The back story they will not cover: Consentino was the harasser in a sexual harassment case brought against the town by an employee. It was settled out of court and the...

Help CNHT Help You

How About Your Opinion Of What Happened At Your Town Or School Election It is always beneficial to have “Boots on the Ground” let The Coalition of NH Taxpayers   know the details of what happened locally. Tired of seeing slanted news about elections in your...

What is The Problem in Henniker?

by Ed Naile The paper in Concord claims to have found some disenfranchised voters! Ray Duckler Henniker Voters Have No Vote of Confidence Ah, but as usual with NH election laws, the print media, and voting, the facts are not facts. One couple living in a seasonal...

Paid The $5,000, Didn’t Admit Violation – Typical

I thought the Democrat Party would be rejoicing over the NH State Supreme Court decision last week? Former Speaker Bill O’Brien filed a very easy to understand suit against Democrat Chair, Big Money Buckley, over primary election robo-calls Big Money Buckley starred...

Makes Sense

Viewpoint (borrowed from 3/6/14 Ledger Transcript) Formula for reducing cost of education in ConVal schools  By Charles Champagne Monday, March 3, 2014 If we are really serious about the escalating costs of educating our children in the ConVal School District, I...