This is the NEW Timberlane Regional School District Mission Statement:
The awe inspiring mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to corral all students into a monopolized system producing self esteem loaded children programmed to wholly submit to their learning environment while the Administration embarks on a single-minded goal of budget growth.

Outdated Mission Statement:
The mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.

You can see why I had to fix the outdated TRSD Mission Statement after I found out that the TRSD Administration likes to “fix” warrant articles.

Below you will see what an effective Budget Committee member does when it appears the entire budgeting process id voided by someone hiding in an office.

Mr. Collins and Dr. Metzler:
This is an official Right to Know request for the following information:

1) Provide the name(s) and title(s) of the individual or individuals who authorized the change of Warrant Article 5, “Sandown Central Kitchen Renovation” from the Jan. 16, 2014 version presented at Public Hearing to the version presented at Deliberative Session on February 6th, 2014.

2) Provide all documents and emails relating to the Deliberative version of Warrant Article 5 to include minutes, memos, emails and any other captured communications such as visual and/or audio recordings. Demonstrate when this version was presented to the Budget Committee and the school board.

The public hearing version of Warrant Article 5 read as follows:

Shall the voters of the Timberlane Regional School District raise and appropriate the sum of $335,412 to renovate the kitchen at Sandown Central Elementary School and to authorize the District to withdraw up to the sum of $335,412 from the existing School Building Construction, Reconstruction, Capital Improvements and Land Purchase Capital Reserve Fund? (MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED)(The funds for this article come from existing money in the District’s Capital Reserve Fund, not from additional taxes. This article, therefore, will not increase the 2014 tax rate.)

The Deliberative version read as follows:

Shall the voters of the Timberlane Regional School District raise and appropriate the sum of $385,412 to renovate the kitchen at Sandown Central Elementary School and to authorize the District to withdraw up to the sum of $335,412 from the existing School Building Construction, Reconstruction, Capital Improvements and Land Purchase Capital Reserve Fund with remaining funds ($50,000) to come from the 2014-2015 operating budget? (MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED)

Donna Green
Member of the Timberlane Budget Committee
3 Cranberry Meadow Rd.
Sandown, NH

Meet the TRSD Board:
Robert Collins, Chair
Nancy Steenson, Vice Chair
Peter Bealo
Richard Blair
Kate Delfino
Michael Mascola
Joseph Morris
Susan Sherman
Kelly Ward