by Ed Naile

I received my OBJECTION TO MOTION TO INTERVENE today in my humble mailbox here on the dead end road.

And guess who is objecting to my simple, factual, citizen produced, constitutional right to intervene in a court case allowing non-residents to vote in my NH supervised Federal Election?

Our good old Attorney General, Michael Delaney, through his attorney, Richard Head, is not interested in The Coalition of New Hamsphire Taxpayers, or me, intervening in the NH League of Women Voters case against resident NH voters.

Our NH Attorney General says I do not have a right, through his use of a quote, “a right involved in the trial and his [or her] interest must be direct and apparent” to defend my NH vote from outsiders.

This must mean letting out of state college students with out of state drivers licenses (I.D.), vote on a ballot issue involving income taxes in NH they will never pay, or what congressman I might have, is fine with the AG’s Office as long as no one else can offer evidence or testimony.

It is assuming a voter who posseses a drivers license in another state, and subsequently, a legal address there, has more of an interest in my state than I do.

Stay tuned.

Update: ACLU Lawsuit

Stay Order