Fully Informed Jury (HB 146)

On Wednesday, 6-1-2011 the NH Senate is scheduled to vote on HB 146. HB 146 is designed so that jurors are notified of their rights to judge the application of a law prior to deciding a case. On 5-26-2011 the NH Senate Judiciary Committee voted HB 146 Inexpedient to...

Common Core Standards (HB 164)

Next week the NH Senate will vote on HB 164. HB 164 gives the legislators the authority to vote on Common Core Standards (National Standards) WE FULLY SUPPORT THIS BILL. The UNelected Board of Ed voted IN Common Core Standards last year for New Hampshire which erodes...

Parents’ Rights Unsupported?

Not a single education bill protecting parental rights has passed this year despite an overwhelming Republican majority and a supportive GOP party platform. What is the problem? From this week’s Senate Calendar: HB 429, permitting a child 16 years of age or...

RTKBA Legislation (HB 210) (HB 378)

Call your State Senator (271-2111) and tell them to ask Senate president Peter Bragdon to schedule HB 210 and HB 378 for a Vote as soon as possible, BEFORE they break for the summer. Or email him here peter.bragdon@leg.state.nh.us HB 210 – (stand your ground)...

Parental Notification in Senate (HB 329)

This week on the 25th of May is the vote by the Senate on HB 329 the parental notification bill. Please send your NH Senators a polite and friendly reminder (especially the two mentioned below) that parental notification is common sense and that you hope they will...