The “Gilmanton Five”

by Ed Naile Breaking new ground in the ever evolving world of school board political activism, we have the “Gilmanton Five.” Facing down another attempt at the adoption of SB2, by some people who pay for all the millions the Gilmanton School Board spends, the Board...

Education Funding Reform (CACR 12)

Next Wednesday, March 9th is the date for this. The SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION FUNDING REFORM will hold a public hearing on a constitutional amendment, CACR 12, at 9:30 AM in the LOB 207. Here’s the amendment that Speaker O’Brien presented to the...

Activists Run for Local Office

This is not an endorsement of any candidate in particular. We would like to remind you again that your town and school meetings are very important and not to miss them! Check with your town for dates of the meetings, deliberative sessions, and SB 2 elections. Local...

Voter Fraud in NH 2011

by Ed Naile You may have read about the attempts by some members of the NH House to limit voter fraud in our Presidential Primary State. So let me show you how each party is trying to promote their cause, be it election integrity or promotion of non-resident voting...

Criminalumni [Humor]

by Ed Naile Anyone enamored with the idea that student voters are a wonderful addition to New Hampshire politics needs a primer on one of the elite, ivory tower societies they come from. They kinda-sorta look like crooks to me. Now I am just a plain old...