The Tea Party Targets… Sustainable Development?

The Tea Party Targets… Sustainable Development? Yer darned tootin’! It’s town meeting time again in NH, and people are preparing petitioned warrant articles and mailers. You may not have been elected to the NH House of Representatives or NH Senate,...

Proponents Say High Court Ruling on Tax Cap Not the Last Word

DOVER — For local supporters of a tax cap, the recent Supreme Court ruling that tax caps are in conflict with state law is not the final word in the matter. The decision was made Wednesday in response to a yearlong case involving the Manchester and the citizen group...

Hands Off JUA Funds!

Hands Off NH wants Governor Lynch to stop stealing. Why raise taxes – when you can just take the money? Governor John Lynch attempted one of the largest confiscations of private property in New Hampshire history. In order to pay for bigger budgets and wasteful...

This Would Violate NH’s Laws

Parents beware. If you get any sort of email that suggests you vote for anything, or support a candidate or cause, and it comes by way of your children in the form of a flyer, mailer, or email, it is illegal in NH because it violates our compelled speech laws. Public...

Lynch’s SB 500 Coming Back to Bite

WMUR Reports: MANCHESTER, N.H. — A man who Manchester police said was in possession of items stolen in a home burglary this week, including a handgun, is one of the recent parolees given early release under the state’s SB500 law. Mark Ouellette, 23, who...

‘Fair Tax Coalition’ is Fueling Resentments to Push New Taxes

An excellent commentary on the push for sales and income taxes for NH by the Granite State Fair Tax Coalition [ which is neither local, NH-funded, nor fair ] appeared in the Telegraph. The writer remarked: Last Sunday, a guest commentary claimed New Hampshire’s...