…but it seems they will shove it down their throats, much like in Bedford, anyway. IB = International Baccalaureate, a questionable program that some schools in NH have purchased from the UN, and which is controled by the UN from Geneva Switzerland.

Note the robotic and spamming comments of one ‘taxpayer’ none of which contributes one reason to have this program, that is unless you want your children to behave like the poster!

A retiring principal states with honesty that the majority of the parents in this town in Lake Tahoe do NOT want IB.

“I have my reservations regarding IB,” said Clark during an early June interview. “I think it’s being rushed here.”


“The majority of teachers do not like IB. They do not want it.”

Read more at Tahoe Bonanza…

Related: Hollis is a town that is about to be overtaken by the proponents of edu-babble. Can you decipher what they are talking about in this article?