Second Amendment Under Fire (HB 1635)

A vote will be taken in the House on HB 1635 prohibiting the open carrying of a firearm in a public building. Please contact your Representatives to let them know you OPPOSE any restrictions on your second amendment rights. Note: In 2008, a bill, HB1354, was...

Up to its Butt in Debt, Antrim Makes a Choice

by Ed Naile “Dexter Humphrey wiped his hands with his handkerchief. He picked up his copy of the warrant and read the twenty first item again. After he had read his regular question, he put the matter to a vote at once, and for the first time in history, the Town of...

Plagiarism is The Sincerest Form of Flattery

by Ed Naile Plagiarize (Webster’s) transitive verb : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production) without crediting the source intransitive verb : to commit literary theft : present as new and...

Tent Tax Party (HB 1445)

by Steve MacDonald What do you get when you mix 124 Donkeys and one RINO? A list of NH House reps on the wrong side of a bill to repeal another stupid tax. The House voted to ax the tent tax, (HB 1445) and repeal the 9% ‘rooms and meals’ tax for people who...

Keene Employs Informed Voters – Sort Of

by Ed Naile Out in Keene the local newspaper reports: Keene School District Voters Prove To be Most Agreeable… Really, agreeable – some headline. Out in Keene the numbers say it all. Check it out yourself at the state web site: Profile of Keene, NH Keene...