For Immediate Release April 21, 2009
Media Contact: Mike Biundo, Chairman
(603) 540-2572

NH State Democratic Chair and DNC Vice Chair Ray Buckley calls Tea Party attendees “unhinged mob that had lost their minds”. NHAC Chairman Michael Biundo calls for Ray Buckley to apologize.

Concord, NH – Today, New Hampshire Advantage Coalition Chairman Mike Biundo denounced NH Democratic Party Chair and DNC Vice Chair Ray Buckley’s comments at a public debate hosted by the Manchester Chamber of Commerce regarding attendees to April 15th Tea Parties nationwide. He demanded a public apology not only to the 1000’s NH attendees but the hundreds of thousands taxpayers, small business owners, and middle class families that attended these events nationwide.

NHAC Chairman Mike Biundo stated “As host of NH’s largest Tea Party in Manchester, I take offense to Chairman Buckley’s derogatory comments and think he should apologize to the thousands of those who attended events around the state and the hundreds of thousands who attended from around the country. The small business owners, taxpayers and middle class families that came out to protest a government that taxes too much, spends too much and is driving us to fiscal insolvency deserve our respect, not his condemnation. These hard working decent people represent what is good about our state and our nation.”

Taxpayer Tea Parties took place in several cities in NH on April 15th drawing thousands of NH families, business owners, and middle class taxpayers of all political affiliation to these events.

Biundo continued “It’s unfortunate that Chairman Buckley chooses to make this a republican versus democrat issue, these Tea Parties were in fact about New Hampshire and American issues, issues that the people are yearning for this Congress and our elected leaders to address. Chairman Buckley has blindly followed the lead of other tax and spend politicians, claiming that these participants are ignorant of why they attended these Tea Parties. The message from April 15th couldn’t be clearer, this is our country, this our state, and we are willing to work together to take it back.”