Here is how the parties voted in the NH Legislature as of February 27-28, 2019

HB712, creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat. Passed.

100% of Democrats voted to Pass.
98% of Republicans voted to Kill.

HB686, creating a new tax on capital gains. Passed.

97% of Democrats voted to Pass.
98% of Republicans voted to Kill.

HB623, raising business taxes. Passed.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
100% of Republicans voted to Kill.

HB641, creating an additional room tax. Passed.
94% of Democrats voted to Pass.
98% of Republicans voted to Kill.

HB680, creating a tax on vaping, making it harder to quit smoking. Passed.
94% of Democrats voted to Pass.
95% of Republicans voted to Kill.

HB682, creating a new fee and doubling or tripling some other fees. Passed.

98% of Democrats voted to Pass.
100% of Republicans voted to Kill.

HB564, protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens. Passed.
95% of Democrats voted to Pass.
100% of Republicans voted to Kill.

HB232, prohibiting “sanctuary” cities. Killed.
99% of Democrats voted to Kill.
92% of Republicans voted to Pass.

HB290, eliminating wood stoves built prior to 1986. Killed.

65% of Democrats voted to Pass.
100% of Republicans voted to Kill.