by Ed Naile

The media in NH seem uninterested in a Democrat activist indicted on voter suppression charges here in NH this week.

The Coalition of NH Taxpayers thinks you should know who he is and how it affects you and our political system in NH.

The paper in Concord is still trying to pass him off as a Democrat volunteer who simply had too many beers and made a mistake by issuing a fake press release, several days before a special election for a House seat in the NH Legislature, stating that a Republican candidate was dropping out of that race. This was professional hit meant to suppress Republican voter turnout.

The Democrat activist, Carl Robert Gibson, awaits trial and we have a chance to see who he really is, a trained, experienced, dirty trickster who pulled a stunt like this back in 20011 aimed at General Electric.

AP Falls for GE Press Release Hoax

Gibson made up a story that GE was going to pay the government billions in “back taxes” they owe, according to him.

C. Robert Gibson, as he prefers to be called now, used his NH registered US UNCUT group to pull off this dirty trick which cost GE billions in a stock price drop.

Funny thing, the illegal stunt even tricked the Associated Press! You would think they would be out for some payback now that Gibson has been indicted for something similar here in NH.

I guess that it is up to local bloggers to point out the failure of the traditional media to do its job.

Part of this story also shows how easy it is for out of state activists to ply their trade here in NH where our election laws are some of the most unenforced in the country – and getting worse.

C. Robert Gibson is the tip of the iceberg – as well as a publicity hound.

CNHT intends to expose him, NH one sided press, and the shambles our election laws are in.