To The Editor: September 19th, 2013

As a long time member of the John Bircher Society, at the passing into eternity of my fellow Bircher; Lt. Col. Bob Kingsbury, I am not only sad for his family in their loss of a father, but also for the loss of a great patriot who pulled the weight of many in the lonely fight for the God given individual liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States.

In these days of worship and idealizing great athletic ability and the performers who act for our pleasure, somehow “silent heroes” like Bob are often missed by giddy minds who do not deserve the freedom won by “warrior’s such as he for truth in the silent war in the public arena” which was only equaled by his courage on the battlefield. Bob loved his God, his family and his country: he stood like a “man” in his long enduring battle for each.

Right out of high school, to boot camp and then to the “hot war” serving as a rifleman in Patton’s Army, he served with valor. It is a shame that the majority who have surrendered the congressional power to “Declare War” to weak knee’d Presidents from both parties in cowardly silence, watching them abdicatcate this power to the United Nations for over the past six decades, cannot read his powerful letter. The ugly and painful face of the battlefield was never described so candidly. To obtain a copy of his thoughts serving under Patton, please call 603-434-9695 and ask for the pamphlet called: “First Scout for General Patton.” It is published by Camp Constitution.

Once there were men like Captain John Birch and Bob Kingsbury! May God give us more!

Sincerely & Respectfully
Russ Payne