If you are new to NH and want to get a start on doing a little more than ordinary citizen activism here are a few opportunities to get you in on the ground level.

Many towns still have openings for positions that don’t pay or require a lot of time, but will afford some name recognition and help establish a reputation of trustworthiness and competence, valuable to you if seeking higher office down the line.

A (1) three-year position for trustee of the trust fund remains unfilled in Danville, NH. Those who express interest can be appointed. Danville’s Budget Committee has four vacancies (4) out of total of eleven positions.

Plaistow has four (4) unfilled positions; two (2) Auditor positions, a (1) two-year seat on the Conflict of Interest Committee, and a (1) one-year Budget Committee position. If your thing is numbers, the Auditor and Budget Committee positions are for you. Anyone can serve on a Conflict of Interest Committee.

Atkinson has one (1) opening on their Conflict of Interest Committee. Their next meeting is April 21 and if anyone is interested, he or she should fill out the appointment form and submit it to the BOS as soon as possible.

Rochester has a list of positions that can be found Here.

Please contact the individual towns for more information.