by Jerry Newton, Hillsboro

Re “School board chairwoman resigns” (Monitor front page, June 18):

It is extraordinarily noteworthy, yet omitted from Daniel Barrick’s slanted article, that John Segedy was duly elected by the townspeople to perform the exact function that he is performing.

Babette Haley commented during her resignation that John was a consistent voice of dissent on the board and cited this as one of the reasons she was quitting. Ms. Haley would be wise to note that dissenting opinions are precisely the reason that we elect school board members from the community. We are tired of the rubberstamp crew, and Haley’s suggestion that Segedy’s unwillingness to play ball with the SAU and the board tells me all I need to know about Haley’s politics and agenda.

Haley was a member of and presided over the school board during the largest budget expansion in recent memory. Haley also was a member of and presided over the school board as we’ve failed to meet Adequate Yearly Progress for the past several years to satisfy the No Child Left Behind Act. Haley also was a member of and presided over the school board as drastic measures have been undertaken that have weakened the school, lowered the educational standards, angered the staff, and disgusted the parents in the community.

I know she believes she has done good work for the past seven years, and I’m sure she means well. However, we cannot afford any more of her good intentions. The status quo is not working, and it’s past time for a change of leadership.